Home Care: Does your mother refuse to move in with you?
Does she also refuse to go to a nursing home? If so, neither you nor your mother is alone. Most people over 65 want to live independently.The phrase “stubbornly independent” was probably first used to describe old people who just want to enjoy living on their own, once the children have grown.
And why shouldn’t they? Aging baby boomers have, it could be argued, earned the right to their independence. They want to do the things they enjoy and have their privacy.
Don’t Fight It; Downsize It
Unless a father or mother is a present danger to himself or others, it’s wiser to give in to a parent’s desire to age in place. Fortunately, there are many construction and technological advances that can make aging in place less difficult.
While the vast majority of oldsters aim to age in place, they don’t necessarily want to age in that cumbersome two-story, four-bedroom house with a basement washer and dryer. According to some aging specialists, the best home for a senior is a condominium.
Why Condos Are So Great For Seniors and their Home Care Providers
Condominium units are usually, though not always, all on one floor. And many of them feature elevators. That eliminates the stair challenge that slows down many older people. They tend to be smaller than family homes which means they are easier for your parents or their home care aides to clean.
Condos allow seniors to remain homeowners without all the effort that goes into maintaining a single-family home. There’s no yard work with a condo, and the exterior maintenance is undertaken by third-party contractors hired by the condominium association. While there are regime fees to be paid, these costs may well be offset by lower utility bills and greater safety.
Condominiums often feature amenities that are hard for single-family homeowners to afford. A typical condominium complex will have a swimming pool, a clubhouse with a pool table and other game options, and a shared space for socializing. Some condo complexes have full gyms, restaurants, and grocery stores. These amenities may be a strong selling point for your parent, especially if he or she enjoys swimming and staying active.
Condominiums are often more secure than single-family homes. High-rise condos often have doormen and keyed elevator access. Even less pricey condominiums have security doors and security cameras. Home Care Providers can also be helpful by coming over daily to assist your senior.
Over 55 condos
Condominiums, by their very nature, encourage social engagement more than single-family homes. And that’s where the phenomenon of the over 55 community comes in.
Some condominium complexes are restricted to ownership by people who are in their late fifties or older. The advantage to these complexes is that your parents automatically fit in with the other residents, making social connections even more likely. These complexes are sometimes located in very desirable locations, where they may be more affordable than the surrounding properties.
In brief
If your mother or father enjoys the benefits of home care, condo living can maximize the benefits of that service. Instead of spending most of her time cleaning and maintaining a huge home, your home care aide has time to engage your parents socially and make sure they are living the highest quality of life possible.
In conclusion, condominium living may be safer and easier for many people over 65 who are resistant to the idea of living with adult children or in assisted living facilities. It’s not a bad idea to discuss such downsizing with an aging parent. Be sure to emphasize the amenities and social opportunities.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in San Marino, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Care Help. Serving All of Los Angeles County. Call Us Today (888) 989-7388